Category: Gold & the Economy

Golden Legacy: Navigating the World of Canadian Gold Coins
Gold has an allure that transcends time. As a symbol of wealth, power, and prestige, gold has been coveted throughout history. Especially in the current market where many are monitoring the gold price today, gold coins, particularly those from Canada, have been admired for their artistry and historical significance.

The Benefits of Owning Gold in Canada: Hedging Against Inflation and Market Volatility
For thousands of years, gold has been valued by humanity for its beauty and scarcity. The first known use of gold as currency dates to around 700 B.C., when the first coins were produced by the merchants of Lydia, an Iron Age kingdom of Western Asia Minor. Made from a mixture of gold and silver known as electrum, these coins were simple lumps that had been stamped to identify them as currency.
Whether it’s exchanged as money, turned into jewellery, or used in modern electrical and technology applications, gold has remained a highly sought-after precious metal. Today, people are again turning to gold as an investment, but what makes gold so important and is it worth buying?

What Makes Us the Top Gold Buyers in Canada?
Got gold on your mind? Before you set out to sell your precious metal items, you’ll want to find a reliable dealer to get the biggest bang for your buck. From coast to coast, when it is time to sell your gold, read on to learn what makes us the top gold buyers in Canada.

History of Gold
Ever wondered about the history of gold? Where does it come from? What makes gold so great? Check out this excellent infographic by Visual Capitalist.